The 34th Annual Sinclair Lewis Writers’ Conference

Saturday, October 5, 2024




9:15 am​​​ WELCOME and OVERVIEW


9:30 am​​​ PANEL DISCUSSION:  Basics of Writing and Publishing

Julie Schumacher; Leif Enger; Diane Jarvi; Michael ​​​​​Tisserand; moderated by Jim Umhoefer


10:45 am​​​ SESSION ONE

​​​ Leif Enger: The Wily Rewrite

      ​​​Diane Jarvi: Song Lyrics—I Sing Your Evening Into Stars

      ​​​Michael Tisserand: Turning Facts Into Stories


11:45 am​​​ LUNCH


12:45 pm​​​ KEYNOTE TALK:  Julie Schumacher

​​              The Serious Side of Humor


2:00 pm​​​ SESSION TWO

​​​​ Each topic from Session One will be repeated


3:15 pm​​​ SESSION THREE

​​​​ Each topic from Session One will be repeated


4:30 pm​​​ Reception at the Palmer House Hotel (door prizes/cash bar) 


NOTE: Each Session will be one hour in length, followed by a 15-minute break.

Join us for an informative and spirited discussion on Friday evening, October 4 for our sixth annual “Cocktails and Conversation” event! This year, we will be focusing on Sinclair Lewis’s novel, Kingsblood Royal, published in 1947. This controversial, groundbreaking novel portrayed two versions of America, one Black and one White. We will gather at Babbitt’s Wine Bar in Sauk Centre at 7pm for a social time with cash bar, followed by a brief book summation and open discussions around some key issues in the novel. Whether you have read the book or not, we hope you will find this gathering and discussion to be both meaningful and fun, while taking away a deeper appreciation of Sinclair Lewis and his writing.


There is no charge to attend this event, though free-will donations are appreciated.